
The Influence of Environmental Conditions in Arctic Regions.

3 Challenges Faced By The Budding Doctors

When Colin L. Powell said, “A dream does not become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”, he said about the difficulties one is bound to deal with. It takes courage to dream and work to fulfill it. It would not be wrong to state that the same is untrue for being a doctor.

The bright white coat and a stethoscope around the neck have been enticing the young lads and lasses for as long as its practices in society. Associated with the pleasure of helping in easing up the pain of others, the profession becomes an inspiration for them motivating them to follow the league of brilliance and excellence.

As Powell has remarked it takes a lot of making those dreams come into reality. Here are the five struggles the young and aspiring doctors face in general:

1. Excessive Competition

In this rat-race world, where everyone wishes to become the best there are limited options and resources available to serve it to all. Most of the countries across the world, especially the developing ones, struggle to provide the required facilities and training to their youth. With the limited seats available in the medical universities of the developing countries in addition to the already expensive course of study, especially in the private colleges, the total cost of study alone becomes too heavy on the pockets. 

Therefore, MBBS in countries like that of the Americas is coming out to be of huge popularity. The top universities of Guyana, particularly, have a reputation of utmost excellence and thus are renowned for the same across the globe. The admission process is extremely easy provided you are in the possession of a strong fighter spirit to fulfill your dreams. 

Though there are limited seats available to maintain the healthy student ratio, the admission happens thrice a year. Also, students are not required to qualify for any entrance exam including IELTS, TOEFL, etc in order to study here. The best medical universities of Guyana, like Victoria American University, take pride in providing the most affordable and the best quality of education for its students. 

2. Emotional Stress and Motivational Burnouts

The difficulties of aspiring doctors do not end with taking admission. It is after the admission, that the student steps into the real world and faces the struggle. A field such as that of medicine requires the students to deal with extremely complex emotions such as sympathy, empathy, stress, anguish, etc. As a result, after the adrenalin rush of joining the university fades out, the student gets more prone to deal with the emotional stress of the studies.

VAU encourages and motivates the student to deal with this form of stress through various co-curricular and extracurricular activities frequently for the students so that they can balance out with their academic struggles. These activities also tend to focus on providing the students with a sense of accomplishment, motivating and encouraging the students to work harder to accomplish their goals.

3. Lack of Direction

Most of the students often struggle to find out the next step during and after admission. From choosing which course to specialise in, which hospital to go for the clinical practice, where to intern, how to prepare for the screening exams, whether to pursue higher studies or not, if yes then another series of what and where arises and so. The students, thus demand appropriate guidance and counselling at regular intervals.

The experienced and qualified faculty of the VUB, takes pride in guiding the students to choose the path best suited for them depending on their aptitude, interests and the future scope.

Victoria University of Barbados, Guyana, is one of the best universities in the Caribbean region, where the students across the globe are served with the best medical education that too at an affordable price. Apart from that, the added features of the university, its global tie-ups, participation in the international events, well equipped laboratories and classrooms, etc makes it an ideal choice for those who are looking for the best.